I was a creative kid, but as I grew into adulthood I put my creativity aside.

In my 20's I did everything I thought I was “supposed to do”—college, career building, etc. But, as I arrived in my 30s, I felt off course. It did not occur to me all at once, but eventually I realized how much creativity was missing from my life. More accurately, I needed creativity to feel like myself.

I became curious. What if I let myself be creative again? 

I did my best to set aside the self doubt, and give myself permission to invite creativity back into my life and try any creative thing that sparked my curiosity. I let myself get messy and imperfect. Most importantly, I let myself be driven by enthusiasm and joy.

Wholehearted Empire began in 2019 at the moment I started creating from a place of unbridled enthusiasm. And when it began, I was actually only writing poetry, but I had a deep knowing that it would become more if I let it. I made it my mission to create an “Empire” doing what I wholeheartedly loved.

Guided by my curiosity, overtime my little business has evolved to what you see now. And in the future, I expect it will continue to grow and change. But through it all, I strive to bring a little light to the world, be kind to myself and respect the Earth every step of the way.

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  • Join the email community using the sign up here. I send a delightful monthly newsletter that keeps you up-to-date on the happenings here.
  • Check out my company values to read about what is at the heart of Wholehearted Empire. 
  • Follow Wholehearted Empire on Instagram and Facebook 

Welcome! I am so glad you are here! 

